After women reach the age of 30, it is necessary to begin performing anti-aging face masks at home. For each age category, when preparing useful formulations, it is necessary to take into account the characteristics associated with the life cycle, as well as skin type. Properly selected natural ingredients can eliminate the long search for a suitable cosmetic product and preserve youth and beauty longer.
After 30 years
This period is marked by the appearance of the first, still shallow wrinkles. The skin still looks young, but you need to start taking care of it, otherwise the process of maintaining a youthful face will be more difficult. Anti-aging masks for 30-year-old girls should be aimed at deep nutrition and hydration. At this age, collagen production slows down, which can lead to loss of elasticity. Signs of swelling appear in the morning. These features affect the composition of anti-aging masks prepared at home.

Gelatin rejuvenating mask
Take 7 grams of gelatin and stir until completely dissolved in a bowl of warm water. The mass is supplemented with ¼ cup of kefir, the contents of retinol and tocopherol capsules, as well as oatmeal (for this, rolled oats flakes are ground in a blender) in the amount of 1 tbsp. spoons.
Yeast mask at home
Dissolve a packet of dry yeast in warm water. Heat a large spoonful of vegetable oil slightly and pour it into the previously prepared liquid. When choosing oils, you must take into account your facial skin type. For oily ones, apricot, almond, jojoba, grape or peach are suitable, and for dry ones - avocado, sea buckthorn, sesame, coconut, castor or burdock.
Recipe with bread
Pour milk over a couple of slices of whole grain bread. Let it brew for 2 hours, then strain, pouring the milk-bread solution into a separate container. Add a tablespoon of coconut oil to it - it has an instant moisturizing effect.
Rejuvenating mask with carrots
Grate raw carrots on a fine grater, do not squeeze out the juice. Add a couple of spoons of sour cream. You need to choose a fermented milk product based on the type: if it’s dry, add sour cream with high fat content, if it’s fatty, vice versa.
After 40 years
All ways to maintain youthful facial skin at the age of 40 must be supplemented with anti-aging masks. Preparing them at home is not at all difficult, it is important to take into account that only those compositions that maximally moisturize the face, return it to a healthy color, tighten the skin in the area of the corners of the eyes and mouth will bring a positive result, because these are the manifestations of signs of aging that indicate the specified ageperiod. It should be noted that even oily epidermis becomes drier, so care should be carried out by moisturizing and adding vitamins to the masks.

Anti-aging mask recipe
Crush the boiled potatoes, pour in the raw yolk, add a capsule of retinol and tocopherol.
Rejuvenating mask with parsley
Finely chop a bunch of greens, you can mash them a little so that they release their juice. Add a spoonful of macadamia oil and the same amount of sour cream.
Homemade mask with clay
Among the variety of types of clay, it is better to choose pink - it is suitable for any type of facial skin, evening out the color, normalizing the secretion of subcutaneous fat and providing the necessary nutrition. This component is taken in the amount of a large spoon and diluted with water. Add the same amount of coconut oil.
Homemade composition with banana
Mash the banana pulp, add 30 grams of cottage cheese and a third of a glass of sour cream. The last ingredient is taken with high fat content.
After 50 years
50-year-old women are faced with the problem of loss of elasticity of the facial skin; the epidermis becomes much thinner and drier, which provokes high wear and tear of the skin. This leads to sagging facial skin, which is reinforced by loss of muscle elasticity. In addition, age spots begin to appear, and wrinkles become very noticeable. Women of this age are not immune to increased swelling of the face and dark circles under the eyes.
Facial care at home should be carried out regularly, and the effect of folk remedies would be useful to supplement with cosmetic ones, which are applied several times a day.
It is also recommended to combine anti-aging masks with firming ones, which are also prepared at home.

Glycerin anti-aging composition
Peel the avocado and mash in a bowl. Pour in a spoonful of sea buckthorn oil and 5 grams of glycerin (you can buy it at the pharmacy).
Curd composition for face
Combine cottage cheese with butter in equal proportions. To make it easier to stir the mass, the oil should be left to sit at room temperature for an hour.
Herbal decoction
There are several options for removing makeup, but at the age of 50 it is better to supplement this procedure with wiping with a tonic made from medicinal herbs. Take the same number of medicinal chamomile and cornflower flowers, pour a glass of hot water, leave for 20 minutes. Strain and use regularly. You need to store the tonic in the refrigerator, try not to dip your fingers in it so that it does not spoil longer.
Vitamin mask at home
Crush a handful of blackcurrant berries with a spoon, pour in ½ cup of sour cream, add 15 grams of rice flour. Flour can be made by grinding white rice in a coffee grinder; this component perfectly whitens the skin.
After 60 years
At this age, the skin calms down after hormonal surges that accompany a woman throughout her life (adolescence, pregnancy, menopause), so there is no need to disturb it again with numerous cosmetic procedures. All actions must be aimed at maintaining moisture balance and reducing the number of wrinkles. It is also necessary to add components to anti-aging masks prepared at home that prevent the penetration of ultraviolet rays, since the skin of this age period is characterized by thinning and dryness.

Lifting mask at home
Boil 40-50 grams of white rice, add 10 grams of potato starch. Grind into a homogeneous mixture.
Curd recipe
Mix cottage cheese with sour cream and chicken yolk to form a thick mixture that will not run off your face. Lastly, add 3-4 drops of jasmine essential oil.
With potatoes
Wash the raw potatoes thoroughly and grate them on a fine grater along with the peel.
Rejuvenating mask with algae
Add green algae extract (sold at the pharmacy) with water (a tablespoon per glass of liquid). In another container, stir 1 teaspoon of gelatin in 200 ml of warm water, stir thoroughly until the crystals are completely dissolved. Combine both components, add a binder for thickness (this can be honey or thick sour cream).
Store masks
In older age, facial care is not limited to the use of anti-aging masks based on natural ingredients. Store-bought cosmetic products will help you create comprehensive, complete care without resorting to expensive injections or surgical tightening.
Anti-aging masks are a must-have for any woman over 30 years of age in her facial skin care routine. The main factor that should be taken into account when combining and selecting components is the age period.