Many young women believe that facial skin should be taken care of when signs of aging appear. This is their main mistake. Perhaps at the age of 25 and 30, the face looks attractive, there are no wrinkles, but the aging process of the epidermis has already started. Its aging is influenced not only by age, but also by the environment. You don't have to wait until a certain age to stay young and beautiful. You need to take care of your face regularly and comprehensively in order to prolong its youth.

Facial skin care at home
Keeping the youthful skin of the face as long as possible is the desire of women of any age. This is possible if you perform three stages in the morning and in the evening: cleansing, exfoliating and moisturizing. The products used for this purpose must be selected individually, depending on the type of skin (oily, dry and normal).
The advice of cosmetologists boils down to the following:
- Remove makeup by washing with a cleansing gel, foam or emulsion. The procedure cleans the face superficially.
- With a cotton swab dipped in any demakilant (oil, cleansing milk, etc. ), the remnants of makeup are carefully removed from the face. Use cleansers designed for the eye and lip area or face, excluding the eye area. The makeup is rinsed off until the cosmetic disc is clean.
- Toning the skin with toner or lotion.
- Applying a moisturizer.
Note!No matter how expensive a face cream is, its properties will be reduced to zero if applied to poorly cleansed skin.
Features of care for aged skin
Many women wait for the onset of 35-40 years with fear and tension. The first wrinkles appear, the oval of the face begins to float, shadows appear under the eyes. There are many ways to force time to slow down. Youth cannot be returned, but beauty is worth fighting for. Therefore, every woman is looking for options on how to rejuvenate her skin.
The main secret in caring for aging skin is an integrated approach, which consists in regularity and completeness. Folk remedies will help to achieve good skin condition and even tighten the emerging flews for women over 50. The procedures can be carried out at home without going to spa salons.
In body and face care, the main algorithm is skin cleansing. For women over forty, peeling works well. It must be done at least 2 times a week. Thanks to this procedure, the upper layer of cells is removed, their exfoliation occurs, which opens the pores for penetration of nourishing masks into the skin.
How to wash your face
How to properly wash your face to preserve youth? Aging skin needs water. Dehydration leads to dryness, the formation of wrinkles. The skin loses its ability to regenerate. Therefore, it is the hydration of the epidermis that is the main task of women over forty.
The main help at this age are anti-aging serums, masks and creams that moisturize the epidermis.
Attention!Do not forget that the water that you need to drink during the day also plays an important role and no less than external moisture. You need to drink at least 1. 5 liters of clean water per day.
Melt or thermal water is considered the best remedy for washing your face. There are many impurities in tap water that can negatively affect the skin. Melt water can be obtained by freezing it in the freezer compartment of the refrigerator. As a last resort, you can wash your face with boiled cooled water.
As a replacement for the usual washing in the morning, ice cubes can be used for the face, for the youth and elasticity of the skin. There are many recipes for cosmetic ice. This is ice for toning and eliminating edema, against acne, against wrinkles. Ice cubes are prepared from decoctions: chamomile, mint, oregano, string, aloe juice, flax seed. The benefits of cosmetic ice are undeniable, it is a quick and powerful refreshing effect.
To get the expected effect, you need to adhere to three main rules:
- The ice cube must be constantly moved over the face so as not to overcool the skin;
- The ice should be wrapped with a napkin so that your fingers do not freeze;
- Move the cubes with both hands along the massage lines of the face, performing three approaches.
The picture below shows the massage lines along which toning takes place.
Note!Not everyone can use ice cubes for the face to restore youthfulness and elasticity of the skin. Cosmetologists recommend stopping ice sessions for people with skin problems, its diseases, as well as, when using ice, who notice a deterioration of the skin.
How to restore elasticity to the skin of the face at home
Skin cleansing, or exfoliation, can be done at home using fruit gruel. Thanks to the acid contained in them, when the gruel is applied to the face, the protein compounds are dissolved on which the upper film of the epidermis is held. The gruel mask should be kept for 15 minutes. Peeling recipes can use kiwi, currants, raspberries, blackberries, or puree from a mixture of these.
A wonderful peeling mask made of cosmetic clay, which is applied to the face for 20-25 minutes. It draws out accumulated toxins from the pores of the skin. Luxurious peeling for body and face - sleeping coffee, is able to restore youthfulness to the skin and maintain its tone.
After peeling, you need to deeply moisturize the skin - these are glycerin-based masks that can restore the structure of the epidermis. They compete quite well with mesotherapy injections, which are done in beauty salons. Rejuvenation occurs with oil or honey massage, which restores the oval of the face and activates blood circulation.
Facial skin rejuvenation in the salon
Not only men pay attention to the well-groomed face of women. The woman becomes the center of attention for those around her. Therefore, cosmetologists do not get tired of repeating the axiom that there are no ugly women, there are lazy women who do not strive to look better. It is now possible to regain a young face for oneself even in old age. Plastic surgery works wonders. But before turning to plastic surgery, you should direct your feet to a beautician and undergo procedures that at home can not sufficiently rejuvenate the skin. These procedures include hardware peeling, ultrasound, vacuum and microdermabrasion.
Laser resurfacing of the face produces a deep peeling, which gives a renewal effect for at least 5-6 years. This is a salon procedure that is not performed at home.
There is such a procedure as enzyme peeling. This is a superficial type of peeling in which dead cells are exfoliated. It does not remove deep wrinkles, but it is able to renew the epidermis. If this procedure is carried out a couple of times a month, the preservation of the freshness of the face can be ensured.

Advice from experienced doctors and beauticians
In addition to the advice of cosmetologists on the correct removal of makeup, you should listen to dermatologists. They recommend paying attention to your skin, which can be oily, dry and combination. Depending on this, you need to choose the right cosmetic products.
Doctors for a systematic approach. The morning should start with washing with products for a specific skin type, toning lotion, nourishing cream. In the evening - washing, regenerating cream, suitable for this type of skin.
The recommendations include additional hydration of the skin after 25 years. A cosmetologist will advise you on products that replenish the lack of moisture in the skin. Decorative and branded cosmetics should be selected in accordance with the type of skin.
The recommendation of cosmetologists is also important: do not use foundation and powder every day, which close the pores of the skin.